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How To Migrate Your Legacy Application To The Cloud With AWS?

How To Migrate Your Legacy Application To The Cloud With AWS?

Shivani Singh 451 14-Nov-2024

Deploying current enterprise applications to the cloud provides enhanced usage capacity, economic efficiency, and organizational expansiveness. AWS is a reliable cloud platform offered by Amazon that allows organizations to upgrade old systems for new ones that can decrease the use of hardware and increase the usage of software.

This article provides the guide to understand all stages for moving legacy applications to the AWS cloud: planning, architecture, migration approaches, and AWS services.

1. Evaluating the Legacy System

First of all, evaluate the architecture of your legacy application, its dependencies, and its readiness for transition to the cloud environments. This assessment will assist in determining hurdles like whether the components are old and due for upgrade or if their functionality is wanting when it comes to migrating to AWS. Discuss the specification and work out how the application will function, how it is stored, and how it will use the network.

How To Migrate Your Legacy Application To The Cloud With AWS?

2. Choosing a Migration Strategy

AWS supports multiple migration strategies, often summarized as the "6 R’s": retire, retain, rehost, replatform, refactor, and repurchase. The selection of the strategy is rather important because it defines time, resources needed, and compatibility in the organization.

  • Rehost: Recalled "low-impact or lift-and-shift,” it means moving the application with little or no modification.
  • Refactor: The second practical approach is to take advantage and rewrite the application to be AWS-native.
  • Re-platform: Introduce small technical improvements that will not alter the character of the application.

They all serve their purpose as primary approaches, although the choice depends on the application’s complexity and its possible further development. AWS Migration Hub can prove useful in such a case.

3. Going into a quantitative analysis and evaluating AWS services and tools for migration

AWS offers a range of services to streamline and secure the migration process:

  • AWS Migration Hub: A tool to lead you through the details of your migration projects, with information on status and service consumption.
  • AWS Database Migration Service (DMS): DMS makes it easier to migrate your application from a database if used to AWS RDS.
  • AWS Application Discovery Service: assists in finding the on-premise environment, which gives information about the workloads.

The use of these tools helps to expatriate faster and minimize certain risks, as such tasks as data transfer and workload optimization are done automatically.

4. AWS Architecture for Application Planning

Develop a cloud-optimized architecture that would take advantage of the flexibility and scalability provided by AWS. Consider the major aspects, which include the following:

  • Scalability: Scalable on demand by using ELB and auto-scaling.
  • Storage: Choose one of the options, for instance, Amazon S3, EBS, or Glacier, depending on how frequently data are accessed.
  • Security: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) comes with secure access controls that are absolutely critical for regulatory compliance.

Adopting a microservices architecture will also improve the availability of deployment and make the enhancement of different services easier without affecting the whole application.

5. Carrying Out the Migration

Actual migration data transfer application setup and deployment AWS offers AWS Snowball and AWS DataSync in case there are large volumes to transfer securely and efficiently.

  • Rehosting (Lift and Shift): Launch instances in Amazon EC2 that mirror the legacy application setup, with Amazon VPC creating an isolated network environment.
  • Replatforming, or replacement with AWS-managed services, is the process of gradually replacing components with native AWS services. For instance, a move from an on-premises database to Amazon RDS.

Proper planning can reduce downtime to a minimum and even help in resolving compatibility issues.

How To Migrate Your Legacy Application To The Cloud With AWS?

6. Testing and Validation

Perform comprehensive testing postmigration to ensure that the application operates correctly. Test cases of high priority include;

  • Performance Testing: AWS CloudWatch offers monitoring and logging for CPU, memory, and network performance.
  • This is security testing using Amazon Web Services security features such as IAM and AWS KMS for encryption.
  • Reliability Testing: Automated backup and disaster recovery solutions.

7. Post-Migration Optimization

Performance should be optimized and costs reduced post-migration.

  • Cost Management: AWS Cost Explorer tracks and predicts spending.
  • Scaling: Auto-scaling helps scale resources in line with demand.
  • Maintenance: Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Systems Manager help monitor and maintain system health.

Proactive improvement through continuous monitoring enhances the reliability of systems.

8. Security and Compliance

AWS provides several tools to maintain application security and compliance:

  • Data Encryption: Protect sensitive data by using AWS KMS.
  • Compliance: AWS supports compliance standards such as GDPR and HIPAA. Refer to AWS Artifact for relevant documentation.

Regular audit and access control configurations need to be maintained to ensure a secured environment in AWS.


Migrating legacy applications to AWS allows businesses to seize the benefits of modern, scalable infrastructure while reducing overheads. Every phase of the evaluation and strategy selection, to architecture design, testing, and post-migration optimization, would be done with great care so that an attempt at migration can be considered a success with minimal risk. AWS has a lot of tools and services that make each of these steps less complicated and will guide you in your journey towards a cloud-first environment.

Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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